5 Ways To Reverse Kidney Disease Naturally

In my last article, we discussed identifying early signs of kidney disease. If you have any reason to believe that you might be suffering from kidney disease, I highly recommend checking out that article by clicking here:
Let’s take a brief moment to recap what happens when the kidneys do not function properly. When your kidneys do not function properly, they prevent optimum waste elimination and promote acid production and inflammation. Inflammation destroys tissues and causes swelling, boils, pimples, cysts, and even tumors. The buildup of this acidic waste leads to cell damage, which can cause cancer and other illnesses.
According to prevailing scientific beliefs, there is no cure for chronic kidney disease (CKD). However, I do not wholeheartedly agree with this assertion. So, this article aims to offer helpful insights on reversing kidney disease naturally by understanding how your body operates. Then, incorporate the five steps I illustrate below.
The critical point to keep in mind when dealing with various symptoms of kidney disease is that your body is always trying to do whatever it can to keep you alive. For example, consuming a diet high in processed foods, meat, sugars, wheat, and pasta creates an overly acidic environment in your body. In response, your body works diligently to neutralize the acid. Consuming more acidic foods than your body can handle leads to inflammation, often considered the root of all illnesses. This is why a healthy diet is vital to reversing kidney disorders and maintaining healthy kidney function. With the previously mentioned in mind, let’s move forward to learn five ways to reverse kidney disease naturally.
5 Ways To Reverse Kidney Disease
#1 Eat Eliminatory Foods
Eating eliminatory foods (foods that assist your body in eliminating waste) is key to reversing any disease or maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Eliminatory foods are sustenances high in hydration, such as fruits, berries, melons, and watery vegetables.
#2 Reduce Salt, Sugars, and Acidic Foods
It’s essential to reduce salt and added sugars and avoid or significantly reduce acidic foods such as meats, dairy, beans, grains, and processed foods. It is recommended that you avoid acidic foods for a while if you are actively trying to reverse any disease.
#3 Include More Herbs in Your Diet.
Consuming herbs can aid your body in restoring proper kidney filtration. The best herbs for healthy kidney function are plantain leaf, dandelion root, juniper berries, and hawthorn berries.
#4 Reverse Adrenal Fatigue
While the kidneys are essential in removing waste or uric acid from the body, the adrenals help regulate the kidneys. If the adrenals are down, the kidneys cannot function properly. According to Alexander Hickman, also known as Dr. Yah’ki Awakened, a Certified Biochemist, Master Herbalist, and Reiki Healer, Adrenal Fatigue is actually the root cause of kidney disease. So, healthy adrenal glands are at the forefront of reversing poor kidney health. Before we discuss how to improve adrenal function, let’s get a basic understanding of the adrenal glands.
What the Adrenal Glands Do
The adrenal glands, also known as suprarenal glands, are two small, triangular-shaped glands that sit on top of each kidney in the upper abdomen. They are part of the endocrine system and produce hormones that regulate many important bodily functions, including:
- Metabolism: How the body manages energy from food
- Immune system: Regulates the immune system
- Blood pressure: Helps control blood pressure
- Stress response: Plays a vital role in the body’s fight-or-flight response by generating stress hormones
- Sexual characteristics: Helps develop sexual characteristics
The adrenal glands consist of two parts: the cortex and the medulla, each producing different hormones.
The cortex consists of three layers: the inner, middle, and outer. The outer layer produces aldosterone, while the inner layer produces cortisol, androgen, and estrogen. The middle layer stores these hormones, but during times of stress, it shrinks, and the inner layer thickens to release more hormones.
The medulla produces adrenaline, also known as epinephrine, and noradrenaline, also known as norepinephrine. When something happens suddenly and unexpectedly, the adrenal glands release adrenaline, which causes the “fight-or-flight” symptoms, such as a faster heartbeat, more blood to the muscles, and other changes that prepare the body for fight-or-flight.
If the adrenal glands don’t produce enough hormones, it can lead to adrenal insufficiency. Adrenal fatigue is a mild form of adrenal insufficiency. While adrenal fatigue is not an accepted medical diagnosis, it is a term used to explain a condition caused by chronic exposure to stressful situations. In other words, the glands cannot keep up with the demands placed on them by your body. The main symptom of adrenal fatigue is tiredness. Other symptoms include trouble falling asleep, trouble waking up, salt and sugar cravings, and unexplained weight gain.
So, now that we have a fundamental understanding of the function of our adrenal glands, let’s discuss how to restore them when they are not functioning correctly. Dr. Yah’ki states that proper hydration and cleansing bring the adrenals back online. Furthermore, Dr. Yah’ki emphasizes that the adrenals are your key to healing, and bringing hydration to the body is the fundamental principle of healing. Hydration breaks up stagnation and calcification, allowing the body to absorb essential minerals and eliminate toxic substances. To bring hydration to the adrenals, you need the same eliminatory food you need for kidneys: Foods high in hydration such as fruits, berries, melons, and watery vegetables.
Herbs such as juniper berries, cleavers, parsley, ashwagandha, and Asian ginseng can help the body to restore the adrenals. It’s important to note that while licorice root benefits the adrenals, it can lower potassium levels, so it may not be suitable if your potassium is already low or you have kidney disease.
#5 Implement Lifestyle Changes
Fasting – When done correctly, fasting can play a vital role in supporting kidney health by promoting detoxification and reducing the burden on the kidneys. During periods of fasting, the digestive system takes a break from processing food, which allows other bodily systems, including the kidneys, to focus on repair and regeneration. Fasting helps reduce the accumulation of toxins and metabolic waste, which are filtered by the kidneys, improving their filtration capacity.
During fasting, the body also shifts from using glucose to burning fat for energy, a process known as ketosis. This shift may reduce the production of waste byproducts like urea and creatinine, which the kidneys typically have to excrete. Additionally, intermittent fasting has been shown to reduce oxidative stress and inflammation, both of which can contribute to kidney damage over time.
It is important to approach fasting with caution, particularly for individuals with existing kidney conditions. Consulting with a healthcare professional before incorporating fasting into your lifestyle is recommended, as improper fasting may lead to dehydration or strain the kidneys.
In summary, fasting can offer a natural way to rejuvenate kidney function by enhancing detoxification, promoting cellular repair, and reducing oxidative stress, but it should be done under proper guidance to avoid potential risks.
Improve lymphatic health – Never discount the importance of having a healthy lymphatic system when addressing any disease you may encounter. A healthy lymphatic system is essential for removing waste and harmful toxins from the body. To improve your lymphatic health:
- Stay active: Move your body! Regular physical activity helps maintain a healthy lymphatic system.
- Rebounding: Jumping on a mini trampoline stimulates lymphatic circulation.
- Dry brushing: Gently brushing the skin helps move lymphatic fluid.
- Lymphatic massages: Professional massages can improve lymphatic drainage.
Manage stress – Chronic stress can wreak havoc on your body. Finding ways to deal with stress is crucial for your health and well-being. Ways of managing stress include:
- Meditation
- Deep breathing
- Stretching
- Getting away from the madness
- Going for brisk walks during breaks to clear your mind
- Finding a hobby that you truly love, such as fishing, gardening, dancing
Grounding – Also known as earthing, can help heal in many ways, including:
- Reducing inflammation
- Improving wound healing
- Stabilizing the autonomic nervous system
- Improving mood
- Improving gut health
- Improving sleep
- Improving blood flow
- Improving energy
- Reducing stress
To learn more about grounding, check out my article: “Grounding, Connecting to the Earth to Improve Health” by clicking here:
In conclusion
Your body is like an onion when it comes to your health. You must peel back the layers to find the root cause of any symptoms or illnesses you might be experiencing. As someone who has been recovering from mold poisoning for years now, I truly understand the frustration that can come with being at “dis-ease.” Had I only listened to doctors and specialists, I would never have known that I had extremely high levels of mold in my body. That’s why I hope that you will become proactive in your health and well-being and that the information provided will assist you in peeling back some of the complex layers of health issues, setting you on the right path to healing. However, please note that the information I provide is not meant to replace the advice or treatment from your medical provider.
Finally, take an active role in your health recovery. Incorporate lifestyle changes such as grounding, deep breathing, exercising, or simply moving your body. Take time for yourself. Allow yourself time to heal from past wounds and hurts. Love yourself; you are more than worth it. Until next time, my friends, happy healing. See you soon, and God bless.
Related Links
How To Identify Early Signs of Kidney Disease
Grounding: Connecting to the Earth to Improve Health